Kings Grant News
1st Edition
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Welcome to the 1st edition of The Kings Grant News. send me your storys/ads at Because to make this a good news letter or a news letter at all, I just need your storys!
Did you know about the cat rock ski area? see the cat rock ski area, (you could probably walk to it!)
Did you know about the plans for new roads? If you do it would make a great story...
Neighborhood Story/s
Liam Wrean and I, Caleb Kussmaul, decided to
dig a hole and put sticks over the top to make it an underground fort.Later we found tarp and wood lying around our houses so
we decided we would make our roof out of that instead.(Witch we still haven't done)
The first few days went smoothly through the clay
and sometimes a
root. Then "ping" sparks flew. At almost four feet deep, some sparks
almost made it out onto the dry leaves. It was a rock that we had hit.
Eventually, we got the rock out by
prying and lifting it out. Kacie Wrean came out and helped dig. There
was not enough room for the three of us swinging shovels in one hole.
So we started digging a path to a plan for a second hole a few feet
away. the soil on the ground of hole number two was potting soil
and hundreds of roots that smelled and irritated our noses. it was hard
to dig through even though it was four inches thick. But after we
dug through that we were cruising through the clay.
We called our holes the LITTLE DIG although it was not little at all
and we still have not completed it.
The Hole
Liam Wrean
Caleb kussmaul in the hole
By Caleb Kussmaul
Your story here!
Your story here!